On NeoVim, I use kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua
for a tree, and also itchyny/lightline.vim
which are lighter than Nerd Tree and Airline, respectively. I also use the native LSP stuff instead of YouCompleteMe.
5 Great Vim Plugins
Submitted 3 years ago by TheKernalBlog@lemmy.ml to linux@lemmy.ml
tmpod@lemmy.pt 3 years ago
mekhos@lemmy.ml 3 years ago
Cool, I'm going to try some of these. I'm no power user or programmer but I do find vimdiff my main way of checking checksums of files I download
DerPapa69@lemmy.ml 3 years ago
Just a little tip:
If you're looking for a more powerful completion engine that can also use LSP, I would recommend COQ
It's a bit more of a hassle to set up, but it's definitely worth it! Made me switch to nvim as my goto IDE