If your question is, if I wanted to be born in another time, the answer is. No Interest. I had a appendix surgery when I was like 12 ... which was back in the time death sentence.. because well antibiotics and so got invented not that long ago.
But living there - for a short amount or foreseeable time, maybe. I love medicine and tech too much as I wanted to survive in such times.
Always wanted to witness the Jesus crucifixion to get an answer if all was only myth + hearsay or if something was really true the way church tells us. Maybe even film it to debunk or finally give undeniable proof for or against the lies/truth.
I would rather live in the future when we finally solved current problems and look beyond money, politics, power and trying to escape the unenviable. Always liked how people in Star Trek live, without any money and shit like that. Sure, it is sci-fi but I liked the overall idea.
Sal@mander.xyz 3 years ago
I used to wish that I had lived in the 1800s because I thought that that was the cool time to do science (Charles Darwin figuring out evolution, Maxwell electrodynamics, Boltzmann thermodynamics, Pasteur disproving spontaneous generation, Friedrich Wöhler discovering that organic chemicals can be synthesized)... During high school science books gave me the impression that those guys figured out most of the cool stuff and that they left little for us. Now I know I was very wrong and am actually O.K. with living in this time, there is still a lot to explore and discover.