I've used VS Code for a long time, but have recently grown weary of Microsoft's approach to OSS. I've checked out VS Codium which seems like it might be a great option.
What text editor are you using?
Submitted 3 years ago by d1tt0@lemmy.ml to opensource@lemmy.ml
I've used VS Code for a long time, but have recently grown weary of Microsoft's approach to OSS. I've checked out VS Codium which seems like it might be a great option.
What text editor are you using?
I only really use Vim. Mainly because vi is installed on basically every server and distro, so it is what I got used to.
I do not code, so take what I say in that context. I use Geany because it does many things - and a guy who won a coding competition says he uses only Geany. Geany is far lighter than Atom (which is owned now by Microsoft). Geany handles markdown fairly well and I use mostly markdown. But, plan to learn a tiny bit of code. For terminal, i use use nano or something similar called micro. Both nano and micro can open/use markdown (.md) or .txt, and, though they cannot open .rtf, if i use Ranger terminal file manager, they can show the preveiwed contents of an .rtf file, but cannot open it to edit it that way. Geany can open .rtf if it has no graphics - so text only. If there is formatting added, though, it is an ugly sight. I am testing software on a slow HDD in order to have a very light, fast system and Geany does fine on it.
I use neovim with little plugins. But I still need to learn how it works properly (I'm really lost but at least I know how to close it) I want to turn it on to an IDE. VS Codium is a great option too
acme from plan9port, emacs, sometimes vi depending on the situation.
linux mint's xed & GNU nano
But isn't VSCodium just a build of the Microsoft approach to OSS?
Or is that your way of referring to VSCode? I don't even think of it as OSS...
Personally, I mostly use Kate. Sometimes Vim for quick edits on the terminal or over SSH.
And at $DAYJOB, we use the JetBrains IDEs, which I hate in many ways, but they are competent IDEs, and definitely blow VS Code out of the water, if you want features.
VScodium to VScode is as Chromium is to Chrome
I think VScodium is more like ungoogled-chromium than the actual chromium
I feel old, I'm still using vi.
On Linux, neovim. On Windows, EditPad Lite.
"Cream is gVim, but with many features that should make editing easier for Vim beginners"
i will try this out - - rationale :
.1) only 1/3 of "Kate" 's footprint (16MB download, 74MB on HDD ) on xubuntu 20 lts
.2) code folding (collapse and expand) and so many features even before plugins.
just yell at me if this is a huge mistake !
Switched to Geany recently, was using Notepadqq for a long time.
Currently I'm using VS Code because VS Codium does not have a native M1 Mac build, and electron apps running through Rosetta 2 saps my laptop battery at least twice as fast as native apps. I could build VS Codium myself following this page, but I would rather continue using Homebrew to manage as many packages as possible.
I've been considering learning Vim, is it more productive and worth it to learn in 2022?
When I need to use the terminal I use micro, it's very simple to use with the classic ctrl+s to save. Otherwise kate.
lionel@lemmy.coupou.fr 3 years ago
Good old vim