There is which is a semi-federated Metaverse / VR conferencing system that is fully open-source.
Submitted 3 years ago by to
Comments 3 years ago 3 years ago
Wow it's seems really polished. I'll make sure to mention it every time I hear about the metaverse. 3 years ago
There is also
s FOSS privacy alternatives 3 years ago
The biggest issue here is the problem of compatibility of free software with capitalism. If money comes in, people who want to earn will arrive. I highly suggest that random non-targeted ads must be incorporated within federated softwares. That would make the projects earn without compromising with user's privacy. Today, all projects survive on donating party's courtesy! 3 years ago
I agree, but also they should give the option of removing the ads by subscribing. 3 years ago
Absolutely. The whole point of ads is to earn money and survive. That's definitely an option! 3 years ago
Whilst I'm somewhat cynical about the zuck's Meta play being more of a marketing/branding thing to take attention off all the bad press Facebook has been receiving recently, it can't hurt for the FOSS community to have a vision here for interoperable, open VR and augmented reality tools. 3 years ago
Isnt metaverse just second life with vr? 3 years ago
Imaging in the future that everyone works and socializes in that second life, then Meta decides to delete your account because you say something they don't like. It's practically as if you stop existing. 3 years ago
The thing is : most people don't want to live in that future.
It only make sense if you benefit from surveillance capitalism. 3 years ago
The funny thing is, this was tried with second life. It flopped hard. I assume same will happen wity "metaverse." 3 years ago
Ah, yes, I saw that episode of Black Mirror. No thank you. 3 years ago
Metaverse is an idea and concept. It is not Facebook, it is not owned by Zuckerburg. It can be made by other people. There are many projects claiming to be a metaverse, they are not, none of them including Facebook's are metaverse. 3 years ago
OpenSimulator Grid. Decentralized and supported from a lot. 3 years ago
Matrix ❤️ 3 years ago
That... has nothing to do with the metaverse. 3 years ago 3 years ago
Not sure free/libre software should always be running after the next best thing, and try to be "an alternative to..."
If you consider Gimp "an alternative to Photoshop", it completely sucks, lags 20y behind, etc. If you consider it a graphic editor for mid-range level of activities, it is decent and does the job.
It may be Zuckerberg and the billions he stole from everybody's lives, still there are chances that Meta be a FLOP. (Maybe he actually knows that himself, but just uses it as empty promises to distract everyone from day to day events that may otherwise make Facebook stock crash?)
Maybe there will never be a Meta that will take over the world (What resolutions in those headsets is even possible that we would have MORE estate in those than on a bunch of screens? How could that be better to present more data than current setups?)
So I wish ppl who care about free/libre software focus on: things we need, things we may need, thinking outside of the box in terms of software that doesnt exist yet (federation and itneroperability is typically along those lines, as there is no interest for such thing in the commercial realm.) rather than running after projects led with billions of (dirty) dollars, with which competition is bound to be defavourable...