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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Anybodywhocanwilldo on 2023-09-23 01:55:47.

For Context; I (24 M) Have recently won the lottery moths ago. I wont say how much it was but its north of 7 figures. While this came with a host of new issues, I acquired an accountant, Tax attorney and a host of other people to help me through this transitional period.

My family only found out once i had my affairs in order. My direct family consist of 2 sisters, a mother a father, and 2 direct grandmothers on both sides. Those are who got any money from me.

Unfortunately, this is where the drama happens, naturally once everything was sorted out, my extended family heard about this. They are the types of people to talk bad about you while you’re not there and unless you have proof, they’ll lie to your face about saying anything bad about you. So I never got along with them much. Besides my 2 cousins around my age, I barely know or try to be around the other kids. So; here comes this week when I get a call from one of my aunts (I have 3). here’s the gist of what was said:

Aunt 1: OH hello OP, Its been so long since we’ve talked, how have you been?

Me: Uh … fine. How ha-

Aunt !: Oh I’ve been wonderful, would you mind if I make this a group call with my sisters?

Me: Uh why?

Aunt 1: *makes conference call with all 3 aunts*

Me: WTF is happening rn?

aunt 2: Oh hi how are you, I heard you came into some money lately… You know we heard how you retired your dad recently and we were wondering (Yup here it comes) If you would give us some money too so we can retire.

Aunt 3: Oh and I would like a new house because ours right now is too small.

Me: Um… who told you?

Aunt 2: We found out from our mother (My grandmother on my father’s side)

Me: Um well, I don’t think that would be possible, after investing most of it and paying for my sisters, parents and grandparents new things, I don’t have much left to give out.

( I was very much lying I have a ton left liquid but they don’t need to know that. )

aunt 3; well cant you just sell some of your investments and give us that money?

Aunt 3: well that so selfish, we are your aunts and we deserve that money.

Aunt 2: yeah we worked hard as parents (they have never worked in their life at an actual job, They are all sahms)

ME: But it isn’t your money.

Aunt 2: Well you gave it to our mother and our brother so we feel like we’re owed.

At that point i hung up on them.

Naturally, I called my direct family and told them what happened. My Family & partner agrees with me about not giving them any money but maybe I should set up college funds for the kids. I don’t quite know what to do, And since Christmas is coming up sooner rather than later, i was thinking of finally hosting at my new apartment but i really don’t want my aunts to show up unprompted. AITA?