I knocked out a huge chunk of Red Dead 2 today. I finished up Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 in one blow and started 6.
Chappter 5 is a fun chapter. I see a lot of people say it draws out too long, and i kind of get that. But the feeling of going into Chapter 6 after chapter 5 really feels like coming home after a long trip and getting to relax, only for the game to say psyche and take it away from you. Not to mention the environment is really pretty. It’s a shame they never got to implement the island to it’s full scale, it would have been amazing to see. Below i attached some of my favorite landscapes on the island.
At one point it makes you fight off a battleship with a single cannon. While super fucking unrealistic, i love it for the cool factor alone. It was so fun to get handed this overpowered cannon for a brief second just to be able to use it to take down something of that scale.
Finally, While playing, i got some fun bugs too that i think would make Todd Howard proud. My favorite is when Arthur got his arm stuck in this wagon and got dragged away from dutch
There’s also this one though of the Boat just filling with water:
TrickDacy@lemmy.world 2 weeks ago
That game is just so insanely gorgeous