Any guesses how long it will take for someone to use this jailbreak to get Doom to run on just the CPU?
In theory, at least some of the affected processors should have more than enough cache to run it directly from there, right?
Though I have to admit that I don’t understand CPU internals well enough to know if the microcode even has enough control over the chip to make that physically possible. 3 weeks ago
From the article:
That’s a whole new level of … something. 3 weeks ago
90% of security vulnerabilities are caused by “let’s just use/do this for now and change it before production”. 3 weeks ago
What does the fix look like?
Code scanners? Hackathons? Code review by new hires? Education? Methodology? 3 weeks ago
I’d like that to be “new”, but… It’s not exactly the first time this exact thing happened in tech. 3 weeks ago
I spent quite some time trying to find a better way to put it, but stupid, idiot, ignorance, incredulity just didn’t seem to cover the experience of WTAF?