I finally finished Night Springs Episode 2 in Alan Wake 2. I have to say that it was a lot of fun. There’s one section where you’re being chased by these guys in coffee suits:
And it’s such a dorky concept, but so fucking terrifying because the game took away your weapon. Something that, if you’re like me, isn’t really done at all in the entire game for my entire 4 playthroughs. The only time i can think of is the Opening with Saga when Nightingale knocks the pistol out of your hand. But as far as i remember you hadn’t even been in combat by that point.
This moment is so much fun, i wish it had been applied in the main game a little bit, because removing any form of fighting back is so terrifying.
After that, i returned along the Spiral to continue Alan’s story. As i went through the Hotel lobby, i stopped to admire things i hadn’t looked at before.
For example, this Vase that reads Aquæ Plantag:^s^. I decided to look it up, with how detailed it is. Apparently it’s an actual vase. from what i understand (i’m no botanist or medical expert and will gladly welcome any who care to correct me), Aqua Plantaginis refers to Water harvested(?) from the broadleaf plantain. Also from what i understand it was considered “good for wounds” (Marcin Siennik, Herbarz [Herbarium], Kraków, 1568, p. The 235.). The excerpt (which is listed on the page i linked from the Małopolska Virtual Museums) describes in further detail kind of how it was used too heal the body in ancient.
With the references to water, and this being Alan Wake, i doubt this was a coincidence on remedy’s behalf. Even more so i wonder if the wounds and healing part is a reference too the ending of the Final Draft and it was specifically picked for it’s meaning further than just water.
There was this one, which i’m pretty sure is supposed to be in reference to Tom from the first game
And there’s also these, which look kind of like photos from the Subway.
This one, i couldn’t find anything as deep as the Vase, but from what i understand this painting is called Reading by Lamplight, by James McNeill Whistler. I think this one was specifically picked for the Reading (Alan is an Author after all) and the Lamplight (Since the Dark Presence is weak to light).
I also wonder if part of it is meant by Remedy as a nod to the events of the first game. As only by reading the manuscript pages, can Alan become aware and figure out how to stop the Dark Presence. The lamp, with how dim lamp light can be is sort of symbolic of how he gets these pages all out of order, so he has limited understanding of the events of how the story will unfold.
Of course, this could also be me looking way too much into things, but it’s fun to think about.
I’ve also been stopping to look at Newspapers that are scattered all over the ground and was surprised to realize they foreshadow a decent bit of story, such as the theater and parliament tower closing.
Overall, Night Springs has been a lot of fun. I’m excited to get to the last episode and then get to the Lake House DLC. Furthermore i had a lot of fun dissecting the game. I’m not sure how accurate it is, but it was fun to research.