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January 31, 2025
Brush: Wald Nimbus Chryselephantine 29mm A1 Fan
Razor: Iwasaki 13/16" Full Hollow Square Point Tamahagane
Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Heather - Soap
Aftershave: Spearhead Shaving Company - Seaforth! Heather - Aftershave
Fragrance: Creed - Green Irish Tweed
Talc: Yardley Classic
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
This was one of those days when I really took notice of the spiciness in Heather. Such a distinctive fougère! Interestlngly (for me), I found the same feel for spice in the balance of the fragrance in Green Irish Tweed.
The razor today was the first Iwasaki that I bought. It has my Jnat edge on it. Sometime in the future, I’ll do a comparison between shaves from my two Iwasaki razors. The other razor does not have my edge, but I bet the two are indistinguishable. 9 hours ago
Jan 31, 2025 - Fougère Friday: Amber Fougère
Goodfellas Smile’s Formula AJ-1 is one of the soap bases that started off my Wetshaving journey before finding the sub. At the time, I struggled to get decent lathers with the base. I had no real frame of reference for good, so I didn’t really know how bad they were. This morning’s lather was rich with the advantage of several years experience.
The scent of Amber Fougère started well enough as an orange fougère, but then slowly devolved into the smell of a citrusy household cleaner. In fairness, this is probably just a personal hang-up, having something to do with an unknown scent from my past.
I finished up with Logbook, a prime example of how to add orange to a fougère.