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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/upinadown on 2023-08-12 22:27:34.

Sorry for the throwaway account. I am 36 and my wife “Ashley” is 33.

To get it out of the way, I have an above-average sized dick. I’m not going to the guinness records or anything but every partner I’ve ever had remarks on it.

In the past, this has also meant that every single one of them tells their friends, and that gossip gets around. This makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable, to the point that I had to start telling anyone new “do not talk about my dick to your friends”. They all agree, and then they all do it anyway. It is very frustrating. 

Until I met my now-wife, who was totally respectful of the boundary. We have been together for 6 years and married for 3. No kids yet.

You probably see where this is going. We were with some of her close girlfriends at a bar last night and I suggested we go to another pub, and her friend semi-drunk responds, “if big dick says we go, we go!” Ashley froze up and I went cold.

Turns out that she told ALL her close friends when we met, right after I told her not to. And now they use Big Dick or BD in their group chat to refer to me. Ashley says they only say it when I do something worthy of the name, I don’t even know what that means and I don’t want to.

So I left them and went home. Ashley was apologetic at first but kind of thought it was funny that I figured it out, and only learned how angry I was after I literally walked out of the bar.

She says I’m overreacting and that what she talks about with her friends is totally normal. I said I don’t care how normal it is, that I can’t trust her anymore. AITA?