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The original was posted on /r/technology by /u/DomesticErrorist22 on 2024-12-16 11:27:56+00:00.
Submitted 2 months ago by [bot] to
The original was posted on /r/technology by /u/DomesticErrorist22 on 2024-12-16 11:27:56+00:00. 2 months ago
Very disturbing. It is a complete lie that the policies are meant to “create a domestic battery industry”. The policies are meant to provide no escape to oil industry extortion power, and Biden tariffs were also done for their benefit and their lobbying/funding of Israel first presidency. Seems the worst of the policies is sabotaging charging infrastructure rollout, and making LA smoggy again.
“National Defense” argument is very weak, and “export development” even weaker. There is no export potential by giving small scale industry domestic monopoly power. Steel is an example of this. Very expensive steel in US means high manufacturing costs, and no exports. BS that China dumps steel is contradicted by China putting export tariff on steel. “US energy dominance” is concentrated in small nuclear bomb radius basins, or simple low travel coverage of small bomb vulnerability.
EVs are still likely to win in US. They are better cars, and big 2 are making cars with lower sticker price than ICE equivalents along with the much lower operating costs.