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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Fernando737382829 on 2023-08-07 04:44:55.

It all began last week when my wife (F35) went on a work trip and left me (M29) and my daughter (F9) alone. At first it was no big deal, the only new thing that I had to do now was to be the one who takes and picks up my daughter at school and take a few hours off work to take care of her which I’m more than happy to do so.

The issue came the first day my wife was gone when I went to pick my daughter off from school and they wouldn’t let me take her because they didn’t know me. At first I understood because they had never seen me before and where just looking after her security which is fine but after I explained that I am in fact her father and even my daughter told them I was her dad they still wouldn’t let me take her so after about 20 minutes of them not letting us go and other parents getting involved I got tired and threatened to call the police if they wouldn’t let me take her and then they let me go and I thought that it would be the end of it at least until I picked her up the day after.

We got home and everything was normal for about an hour until my wife calls me mad at me telling me that a few moms were complaining her about the situation through the moms classroom group chat so I just explained everything and she understood but was still mad at me because I went too far by calling the cops to which I told her I had no option.

For the rest of the week they didn’t give me any more trouble at the school but other parents would look me bad and I just ignored them. Yesterday my wife got back and was still very mad at me because I was ‘rude’ at her friends and the school and I honestly don’t get how I was rude. If anything, the school is the rude one for not letting me take my daughter when I even explained and gave proof of being the father.

There are no issues anymore but I was wondering if I was an AH to the school?