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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Due-Lychee1172 on 2023-08-06 03:13:35.

My wife and I have been married for 7 years. We’re in our mid-30s. My wife is Mexican-American (born in America, speaks some Spanish but not fluently at all) and I’m white.

Our daughter is 3 months old. Her name is Camila. My wife and I both liked the name so it was a really quick decision. My wife always pronounced it with a Mexican accent, I always pronounced it with an American accent.

Out of nowhere, my wife said last month that I should pronounce Camila’s name the Mexican/Spanish way to honor her heritage. I think this is ridiculous because Camila is a name in BOTH cultures and so we should be able to pronounce it in our own respective cultures. It’s not like I would make my wife pronounce it with an American accent only. My wife says I am erasing my daughter’s history. I think it’s silly because my wife barely speaks Spanish after growing up with two Mexican parents from Mexico, Camila definitely won’t because she has one parent who can kinda-sorta speak Spanish. Who knows how much of a connection she’ll feel to Mexican culture.