Direct quote: "We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” he added. “We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season and what — what is imminent.”
Nypost says that? FEMA says something different.
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Direct quote: "We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” he added. “We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season and what — what is imminent.”
Nypost says that? FEMA says something different.
Your link does not contradict the claim in this post’s title or body.
Your link says that FEMA’s disaster relief money has not been reallocated.
The NYPost story linked backs up the claims in this post’s title, namely that:
More specifically, the article claims:
I’m on mobile so I don’t have the ability to easily cross reference the article and your posted link while writing this. So if I’ve made a mistake in this interpretation and reporting, please let me know.
My point though, is that the claim marked false in your direct FEMA link is not the same claim this article is making.
The article may be correct or incorrect, but its claims are not in contradiction to the claims in your link; they are simply different claims.
The overall synthesis of the two sources, (your link and the article), is that money’s been spent on migrants, no more money’s available for hurricane victims, but that FEMA’s hands are tied on this because Congress controls what FEMA spends on the two categories.
Thank you for your service. I confess I did not read the article carefully. I see it is congress that holds a fair bit of responsibility for this situation. It is interesting to note that some of those who voted against extending funding to FEMA represent states that were hard hit by Helene. 5 months ago
“dO sOmEtHinG aBoUt ThE mIgRaNt CrIsiS”
ok - spend money on the crisis
“oMg YoU sPeNt AlL tHe MoNeY oN MiGrAnTs”
🤦♀️ 5 months ago
When we said “Do something “ what we meant was “Fund the police to brutalise them and restrict their rights!”
How was that not clear?! 5 months ago
I wasn’t aware that they had the right to invade, silly me! 5 months ago
How was that money spent? On sending trucks to bulldoze over border barriers?…/attorney-general-ken-p…
Or maybe flying illegals into the country?
Or paying for their food or medical care?
Yeah, that’ll fix the migrant crisis! Keep on doing what hasn’t been working already, that should do it! 5 months ago
Interesting sources. The first two check out based on my own reading.
The third, however, is a 1993 document reporting expenditures in 1992.