Hello! This is my first “long” video (it’s only 5 minutes) about Ardent Gale, an NPC players can interact with in Lowland Shore. This video is an extended version of a short I made last week, which focuses more on the Valravn lore: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_TzZcGY001o
Feel free to provide feedback about the video (either one). I already have some notes for next time, but I’m always open to hearing more input!
Paradachshund@lemmy.today 5 months ago
They made the valravn seem super scary and cool in this expansion. I wish the reality of them in the game matched. They’re just regular griffons or harpies as far as I can tell. It’s pie in the sky I’m sure, but I hope they make new models or skins for them in the future updates!
Nice video. I had no idea about the real mythology around it. It’s pretty cool how they took a single figure in myth and made a species out of it.