Inside Out 2: $1,651,151,398
The Lion King (2019): $1,662,020,819
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Inside Out 2: $1,651,151,398
The Lion King (2019): $1,662,020,819
Is this movie good for people with anxiety or triggering? I’d love to watch it with my partner, but I know anxiety is a character and not sure she’d want to watch that. She’s in fact said that to me herself lol.
There could definitely a part that is triggering. But the overall message if they get through that little bump is one of comfort and relief which could help them.
I do not have anxiety and Anxiety gave me anxiety. It’s no worse than an average episode of the office though. I thought it was good though and will be watching it again soonish. 5 months ago
I had zero expectations especially since Pixar has been in a bit of a slump lately, but I ended up seeing it and thought it was great. It complements the first movie really well, unlike some sequels looks at incredibles 2 5 months ago
Agree on both