Man I was already lost as fuck in calc 2 but then they started asking me to prove shit and I was like “arent you supposed to prove this to me, not the other way around?”
Evil Statistician
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
To be fair, having an understanding of how a particular formula or relationship was discovered and proved makes it a lot easier to remember and intuit the possible applications. Like, even the basic stuff like connecting derivatives to slopes and rates of growth helps you partially recreate the formulas for them, if you didn’t memorize them symbol for symbol 6 months ago
I am bad at statistics, and have no clue what those tests are. But damm I do relate. This is how doing the statistics project and exam felt. 6 months ago
Don’t forget E[X] <= max(X). 6 months ago
Whatever it takes to prove that √(log k/ε² + log log n) error bound with 95% probability – “probably almost correct” – what else do you need, really? 6 months ago
Add some whonky Akkadian math. Pretty sure most people will just sort of not saying anything and pretend they understand it.