I think about accepting the challenge and boldly solder SMD where I’ve never soldered before: Doing the Quansheng UV-K5 4732 addon PCB modification myself 🙈
But… before soldering I need to buy the right board to solder, and there seem to be 3 different options as of today: The green one (which consists of a PCB, a conventional through-hole resistor and a tiny SMD capacitor) and 2 orange PCBs of different sizes with different layout (see photos). The green one seems to be most challenging and the orange ones look easier… but I have no idea at all how these 3 options differ in terms of functionality! Maybe one of you has & could share their knowledge / give a recommendation?
Thx et 73 ;)
OneCardboardBox@lemmy.sdf.org 10 months ago
Wait, what do the PCB mods do?
musevg@lemmy.radio 10 months ago
AFAI understand their basic functionality is to extend the frequency range for those UV-K5 devices down to 18 MHz when used with a hacked firmware. At least for RX, everybody warns about not to use a modified device for sending out of band (2m/70cm).
But the green PCB includes a resistor (for replacing the “choke”?) and microscopic smd capacitors to replace on the radios main board to fix problems (idk which ones) with the radio. The big orange board also includes a second circuit which seems to be an amplifier to improve SSB volume. This is my interpretation of forum posts & product desctriptions I don’t understand completely - thus my original post, hoping to find somebody who’s savvy on this topic.