Non gamer alert!
Started watching and have only see one and a bit episodes so far. I fell asleep so will have to go back to episode one and catch up.
Bearing in mind I know pretty much zip about the Fallout universe other than when I’ve seen it mentioned online, it looks pretty good from here - there’s definitely a lot going on and it’ll take a couple of watches before all the little details are picked up.
Seems to me to be a fun programme that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Hope it continues. 10 months ago
Man, I have no idea if this is gonna be good or not. I’m interested to see reviews. 10 months ago
It’s kinda like a popcorn movie so far (ep 5). Enjoyable, obvious, fun. Campy. So violent it’s not.
I can’t recall any time Fallout was overly serious or, “hit home.” Maybe Cait’s companion quests in FO4? The “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” mission in FO3? Even those examples are just well-told stories rather than emotional rollercoasters. 10 months ago
Watched the first 3 episodes so far. For me it feels like fallout universe in westworld/HBO “trying to be gritty and shocking”.
Doesn’t scream amazing to me yet, but it has been fun so far. 10 months ago
From the start I’ve been wondering if this show really needs to be anything more than what has been described in this thread. 10 months ago
Yeah that was our take away. Overly gory, very little of the humor from the game. My wife abandoned it after 3/4 an episode (too much gratuitous violence for her) and I probably wont both with the rest
If you love that sort of hard core violence graphically depicted, with imaginative effects such as pushing a gun into someones head, and then shooting a hole through that (briefly) still live persons head, killing a few more people this may be your cup of tea.