At first I thought “hey, patient gaming is taking off” when I read this headline, but really, what it’s saying is that people are spending most of their time on evergreen live service titles like Fortnite. Ugh.
Fortnite is okay in my book, because while it may not be a game I’ll ever play, it subsidizes all the freebies from Epic. I have a library of well over 200 games, most being excellent indies with a few AAA titles, and I’ve never given Epic a single cent. 11 months ago
On the one hand, there is definitely a part of me that thinks it’s kinda neat that a f2p game with not super predatory monetization has gotten so much support for so many years. I’m well aware that around Lemmy people think any monetization is bad but tbh fortnite really doesn’t do it that bad. It’s all cosmetic, you can earn most of the currency by playing and advancing the battle pass. It’s not the worst example out there. The game is very accessible and can be totally free if you want it to be
At the same time I have 0 interest in fortnite or any other live service game. I hate that live service games have a tendency to remove old content over time. Give me a live service game that’s fun, doesn’t have fomo, and isn’t predatory with micro transactions… I guess that’s kinda helldivers rn which I am enjoying but we’ll see how it shapes up as time goes on.
Overall, it’s bleh news because it just reinforces companies continuing down this path of a model that encourages lost media and nickel and diming you for everything… 11 months ago
Live service games have always kinda rubbed me the wrong way, and that’s past just the obviously predatory stuff. I like to hop around from game to game to game. But the live service games are all like “what about the daily log in bonuses and weekly challenges?” I can ignore that, but it still bothers me how much they try to badger you into being obligated to play. Give me a regular old single player game any day of the week.
That being said, I suspect that as time goes on, AAA single player games are going to be harder and harder to find. Multiplayer is simply where the money is(and where the players are), and in this stupid “perpetual growth no matter what” economy, that’s all the suits will pay money for. Thankfully, we still have indies making great stuff. 11 months ago
Totally agree. Everything else aside, the fomo aspect of these games really irritate me. When destiny 2 completely ripped out their original campaign the game launched with I was baffled. Destiny’s moment to moment gameplay is bluntly, really damn good. The gun play feels great. But when you have to dedicate all your time to 1 game to get everything out of it? Nah, not for me. With stuff like halo infinite and helldivers, I do love that the battle pass which are normally timed things, are always available. You never get locked out of anything by not bring on a certain day, or month, or year.
Don’t even get me started on the new hitman games and their elusive contracts. That’s the stuff that grind my gears. Game is great and fun. But you want to play these special missions we made? Well you better be on and playing during this 1 week, and then they’re never there again! 11 months ago
Yeah… I largely live under a rock and vastly prefer indie games (and older/abandoned big-name games) to most of the usual AAA games and live-service games.
Which makes it quite funny when I see so many Gamers complaining about how “gaming is dying” due to the enshittification of mainstream games, when I’m quite happy under my rock and sheltered from all that 😅 11 months ago
Also, like, with every game with private servers, the private servers are pretty much universally better than the public ones. Someone close to the server has to care enough to put the thing up, which goes a long way past some company opening a few hundred for money. 11 months ago
I dunno, Folding Ideas broke down Fortnite’s monetization policies, and they’re pretty damn barbaric, particularly in how they target kids. 11 months ago
My biggest gripe is that fortnite(along with a lot of games that feature battlepasses and rotating stores) preys on FOMO. If they didn’t do that, I probably wouldn’t mind nearly as much