Fuck Israel. I think it is time everyone put the same sanctions on israel as they did on russia.
James Elder (UNICFEF) showing a line of trucks blocked by israel at Rafah
Submitted 11 months ago by IndustryStandard@lemmy.world to videos@lemmy.world
kokesh@lemmy.world 11 months ago
IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Link to original post twitter.com/1james_elder/…/1769832100079817098
realcaseyrollins 11 months ago
Has Israel explained why they are doing this? It would not shock me if it's because Hamas would steal the provisions from the Palestinians like they have in the past, leaving the civilians no better off than they were before.
realcaseyrollins 11 months ago
Apparently there's a tweet "debunking" this:
His claims aren't entirely found in his cited source, but the UNRWA tracks all aid going in and out of Gaza. There's no data for the 18th as of yet, which is when this supposedly occurred, but I'm sure we'll get data for that day eventually.
UNRWA Supplies And Dispatch Tracking Dashboard: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTVkYmEwNmMtZWYxNy00ODhlLWI2ZjctNjIzMzQ5OGQxNzY5IiwidCI6IjI2MmY2YTQxLTIwZTktNDE0MC04ZDNlLWZkZjVlZWNiNDE1NyIsImMiOjl9&pageName=ReportSection3306863add46319dc574
Mrkawfee@lemmy.world 11 months ago
They are starving people to death. It was stated form the outset by Zionist piliticians that no food would be allowed in. We are watching a genocide happen and the West is complicit.
FenrirIII@lemmy.world 11 months ago
The West is bought and sold. Money goes much further than suicide vests.