Do you believe it’s a good idea or you would look for someone more “traditional”?
I wouldn’t marry an extremist anything
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Do you believe it’s a good idea or you would look for someone more “traditional”?
I wouldn’t marry an extremist anything
Very accurate for me also…
No. I wouldn’t wish that kind of misery on anybody.
By “beside they being man or woman”, do you mean would I marry someone as long as they were an extreme feminist regardless of my own sexual preferences?
I mean idk what you are but supposing you are a man would you merry a extreme feminist woman? Or would you look for someone more “traditional”?
Hm…supposing I’m a man…it would depend on how you’d define “extreme”. If she were the “kill all men/men are useless” type that you occassionally stumble across on Twitter, or thinks that women who are more feminine are undeserving of respect, I would say hard pass. But some might define extreme feminists of ones who just want basic rights, but are very vocal about them, like to have an abortion when the fetus isn’t that developed, or, hell, not to get arrested for having a miscarriage. Or get paid/longer maternity leave (mostly opposed by people who underestimate the difficulty of childcare). Depends on how far right the individual judging leans. For that second type, I may accept.
The only feminist I’ve had dealings with was the all-man or evil, kill them all type, and so my answer is absolutely not.
My grandmother was a feminist, my mother was a feminist, I’m a feminist, being a feminist IS traditional to me and you’re damn right I want a feminist spouse who will help raise our children to be feminists.
Fortunately I have one and we’ve been married for a decade and a half.
I’d marry someone who I like and who ticks the boxes. So if they do that and are or aren’t a feminist, I’d ask them to marry me?! 1 year ago
Not sure what you mean with “extreme” but being a empowered feminist would be a requirement.