I went around the internet searching up wolfballs. Looks like we've been boosted by the algorithms somehow. Deblocked. We show up everywhere on google

Lemmy guys still call us alt-right. I've been trying to make us look more freedom oriented. I personally don't agree with Richard Spenser at all as you know and so don't fit in that category. All races and nationalities are welcome here.

Discussions.app call me cringe for making mob videos. It's a little cringe but I like it so I'm gonna keep doing it. I just need to up the production value I guess. None of them understand decentralization at all. Or blockchains for that matter. That can't be helped. Most people don't

Reddit calls un reactionary. I don't know wtf that even means. Every now and then someone comes here complaining about lemmy and makes some jokes at their expense but that is never filled the front page and I don't encourage it.

We do seem to get a little down time every day. I'm not sure if we are being ddosed or if we just need more resources. I have not had time to really look into it. It could take a while. Other instances are experiencing it.

I have a little more time I can focus on finishing the email script this week. Should be done with coding by this week end if all goes well. And I can make the video if family life gives me the time.

I'm getting a little tired of people posting "nigger" in every thread. And calling our like one brown user an ape. Maybe if we had more users it wouldn't matter that much. We might need to make a be respectful rule until we grow a bit. So if you are an absolute douche shit bag you'll get timeout bans.

I don't think there should be any permanent site bans ever for stuff like that though.

that should generally be reserved for spam accounts only.