Hey, don't go to war. Obviously. Nobody likes war. War sucks. Putin, you suck for going to war. Now, all that said.

Supply chains were already having crazy issues last year. Fossil fuels were already on track to be constrained this year, that was projected last year. Food prices were already on track to be rising massively this year, that was projected last year.

In early 2020, right around the first lockdowns, I explicitly predicted stagflation. We're experiencing the flation, the stag is coming right up within the next year. I bought a generator and heaters and a several week supply of gasoline and gas cans and emergency food for the first time in my lifetime, right before all those things actually are relevant for the first time in my entire lifetime -- all before Russia attacked Ukraine.

I didn't have any idea that Russia was going to attack Ukraine. What I knew was that most of the world shut down all production by fiat and then handed wads of cash to everyone to keep them buying what remained. That isn't sustainable. It's a recipe for exactly the situation we're in right now. Russia invading is just icing on the cake. Everything was already getting scarce before Russia. I had to spend weeks going to every supermarket in town to find formula for my son because there was none anywhere.

Meanwhile we just had the largest wealth transfer in the history of the world from the poor, working class, and middle class to the richest people in the history of the world. Today the poor, working class, and middle class are struggling under the weight of the invisible tax levied upon them so wall street bankers can stay fat.

It's frustrating watching the global establishment play everyone like a fiddle, and we all just sing the tune they tell us to sing. They did this to us, and we're sitting there nodding like morons as they point at someone who was largely off doing his own thing while the damage was actually done.