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February 6, 2024
- Brush: Maggard 24mm Synthetic
- Razor: RazoRock Game Changer .84P
- Blade: Bolzano Superinox (German) (5)
- Lather: Barrister & Mann - Diamond - Soap
- Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co. - Frankie & Myrna - Aftershave
- Post Shave: Harry’s - Aftershave Balm
This razor is on loan. The Game Changer, despite Italian Barber being on the DNB list, is quite popular. I got a nice close shave, but like most other razors with positive exposure, I felt it needed some attention. It didn’t feel very aggressive, per say, but I knew I was shaving. I’ll try a fresh blade in it next time.
The handle is really great. The threads feel really good. It’s a very nice razor for the price. 11 months ago
SOTD 06.02.2024
Tobacco Tuesday head shave, 2 passes, slick dome. This is my only other Mammoth soap and like Indigo, it gives me a superb lather. It was a bit hard to shave today since I did an intense upper body workout earlier, but still manageable somehow.
The Perun might be almost too mild for me - it’s great to have it, it’s a wonderful piece of an european wetshaving artisan. But a really mild shaver compared to the Gamechanger or Greencult IV.
I didn’t list my fragrance today as I only sprayed on a sample by Brooklyn Soap Company that was gone in like the first two hours and simply not worth it.
I’m beginning to think that near the end of my 20s, I seem to make the most improvements in my life. I lost a good amount of weight, I’m back to semi-regular workouts since this year, my retraining is going very well, I finally have some real friends again… Everything seems to be on the right path now.