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A federated homage to the subreddit of the same name. The original idea is a marxist take on identity politics and the stupidity inherent in it, but we’re fresh out of marxists to run this joint.

Until any marxists step forward to take over, this is a place to post well-tempered stories and commentary about the bonkers world of identity politics.

We got rules, so learn 'em:

  • Follow the site-wide Terms of Service
  • Try your best to keep comments based. Low effort trash talk and profanity aren’t in keeping with the spirit of the community
  • We’re inspired by communists, so yes the moderators can and will abuse our power

This is a remote community, information on this page may be incomplete. View at Source ↗

New Post

A federated homage to the subreddit of the same name. The original idea is a marxist take on identity politics and the stupidity inherent in it, but we’re fresh out of marxists to run this joint.

Until any marxists step forward to take over, this is a place to post well-tempered stories and commentary about the bonkers world of identity politics.

We got rules, so learn 'em:

  • Follow the site-wide Terms of Service
  • Try your best to keep comments based. Low effort trash talk and profanity aren’t in keeping with the spirit of the community
  • We’re inspired by communists, so yes the moderators can and will abuse our power