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Anything ‘fail’ goes, as far as is decently acceptable in public.

This can be: ~ Dumb ideas; failed products; unuseful inventions; (popular) unuseful products;… ~ Bad habits; dumb procedures; spending too much effort on simple tasks;… ~ Accidents due to risky behavior; accidents that have a funny aspect; mishaps with more concequences than expected;… ~ Anything that deserves a #fail-tag really,…

Please keep this community free of sensitive content! If it contains graphical images of people hurt or dying, please reconsider posting it to this public community, or in rare cases do so at your own judgement…

Removal of unpleasantly graphical content may occur.

In rare occasions content that could be considered “too soon” on actual ongoing political events or global disasters may be removed for a timespan.

It should not be said that racism, sexism, or any other bad -ism derivative in existence will also not be tolerated in a public community for all, but these days it sadly still feels necessary to do so anyway, so there it is: ! Please try not to post things that might hurt others ! -> (Removal on case-by-case basis) ! Please DO NOT post things with the intent of hurting others ! -> (Definite removal and in worst cases with ongoing intent your account will be reported)

This is a remote community, information on this page may be incomplete. View at Source ↗

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Anything ‘fail’ goes, as far as is decently acceptable in public.

This can be: ~ Dumb ideas; failed products; unuseful inventions; (popular) unuseful products;… ~ Bad habits; dumb procedures; spending too much effort on simple tasks;… ~ Accidents due to risky behavior; accidents that have a funny aspect; mishaps with more concequences than expected;… ~ Anything that deserves a #fail-tag really,…

Please keep this community free of sensitive content! If it contains graphical images of people hurt or dying, please reconsider posting it to this public community, or in rare cases do so at your own judgement…

Removal of unpleasantly graphical content may occur.

In rare occasions content that could be considered “too soon” on actual ongoing political events or global disasters may be removed for a timespan.

It should not be said that racism, sexism, or any other bad -ism derivative in existence will also not be tolerated in a public community for all, but these days it sadly still feels necessary to do so anyway, so there it is: ! Please try not to post things that might hurt others ! -> (Removal on case-by-case basis) ! Please DO NOT post things with the intent of hurting others ! -> (Definite removal and in worst cases with ongoing intent your account will be reported)
