You can’t, but i can. They are multibillion dollar company, their app sole purpose is to serve user similar content based on watch history, they have a report button, they have the budget to hire, they have the resource to review, it’s their platform, they have to self regulate, and not extracting resource then wipe their hand clean without bearing any negative consequences. If they can’t, then the government should.
You can’t just show kids how fun gambling is then say you’re not responsible on these kids getting addicted after watching you. Tiktoker lies a lot to get the result they want, and they always leave out the danger of doing what they did. If bytedance did not regulate these content then they should get the axe, no one should get away scott free. 2 months ago
By your logic, just blame the parents. They have the ultimate responsibility. 2 months ago
And by your logic, cigarette ads should be on full display again because the ultimate responsibility lies on the parent and cigarette company shouldn’t be held liable for the addiction.
And no, you even get my logic wrong.