Comment on Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

One of the only MOPs in my village’s local authority meetings.

Use public transport as I’m against overdependence on cars - it’s futile because cuts are made anyway, and combined usage costs as much as owning a car to begin with. The buses are very comfortable and air conditioned though 👍

Voting for a difference, but the status quo stays the same because everyone here is being fed the same sweet talk by a government that has said on the record that they are not interested in building new housing while there is an ongoing shortage.

Taking part in temporary government funded schemes, set up with the intent to collect feedback guiding future areas of expenditure.

And much more.

It’s all a waste of time though, nothing changes as a result. I say the UAW have got the right idea for going for what will hurt the most. People living paycheck to paycheck deserve better than this, or even worse, those stuck in endless debt. Last year the energy costs around here were equivalent to buying a new PS5 every month.

We can can shout all we like into the echo chamber here about possible solutions - but is the everyday voter even educated about how any of the existing institutions work? Asking people on an online internet forum what they are doing in their community, in an elitist condescending tone, does nothing to further this IMO. A union doing things like this, is everything that does.
