Thanks frazorth and Zombie for your full replies, I should have guessed that what was common to both your answers would be the idea of manufacturers prioritising profit through saleable appearance and ease of production rather than nutritional benefit. The world we have made for ourselves seems to have profit and unchecked greed at the root of every problem.
With such high hospital admissions it surely would be more economic if not basic good governance for the government itself to add key vitamins to the food supply in a digestible form in the way fluoride is added to tap water. I suppose there would be complaints of ulterior motives, maybe something added to calm the population. And to be fair the thought of pacification might pass through a politician’s mind from time to time - with some historic attempts. 2 months ago
That’s pretty advanced level stuff. A lot of the issues in the article would be addressed by people working to cut down UPFs and eating more fruit and veg. I can’t say I eat a wide variety of food but I’ve turned my health around in the last few years. 2 months ago
dunno if this is true in the UK but here in sweden it’s not like we have much variety to pick from, we have maybe 10 kinds of vegetables of which 5 are actually reasonably priced… nuts? yeah sure i’ll just go buy some gold nuggets as well.