You know what you get in Canada for 22 bucks at Five Guys? Tiny little fries, no peanuts while you wait, and a burger so shitty you want to throw it at those stoned morons.
Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago
I REALLY wish they would have went to Five Guys.
Guy 3/5: fills 32 ounce cup with fresh hot, salt slathered fries. Drops cup in a large bag. Takes another full scoop of the fries and throws them in the bag. Easily 4-5 potatoes worth.
The cup of fries should be 1300 calories, they easily put twice as many in. That’s a daily food intake worth of calories for the side alone. 2 months ago
I would sure fucking hope I get a few potatoes worth after paying $45 for a burger combo… 2 months ago
a few potatoes worth after paying $45 for one burger combo…
Lol yeah, took the fam there it was $75 for 3 plates of fast food.
Pretty good tho… 2 months ago
The calorie count is accurate for what they give you, not what fits in the cup. They just use a cup that’s way too small to trick you into thinking they’re giving you more than what paid for. 2 months ago
It’s supposed to be 1.2 lb I’ll circle back in the next time I go there.…/five-guys-us-nutrition-allergen-gu…