Comment on Civic Nationalism vs Ethnic Nationalism

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

so I am kind of "conservatarian"

the problem with respect to women is we have neither a libertarian government towards them, nor traditional conservativism

if there was basically a free market, women would not be able to compete against men, so men would naturally rise up above them in the market in general. This does exist today to some extent but it's being attacked. Marriage "contracts" would thus respect the property men work for, rather than the wacky divorce court law arrangements that exist today. So feminism wouldn't be the same kind of problem.

or if we had a conservative government, the women would be excluded from certain positions of authority by force or principle. The Christian view is that wives are to be submissive to husbands and to obey them (Ephesians 5:22). So the men naturally are in charge under this view of government, which is an extension of the view of the family.

we have neither of these really. the civnats are basically feminist and treat women as equals using their political authority. And we don't have the free market ability to "discriminate" against women with arguably unConstitutional laws like the Civil Rights Act. However we do still have the ability to freely associate with men and exclude women from private small businesses and organizations in practice (for example, the amish still exist and seem to enforce norms like this). And we don't have to vote for women if there are suitable male alternative candidates - things like this. So not all hope is lost. But there are constraints to work with.
