No we wouldn’t, there’s a documentary about this kind of thing. We’d send a super-talented pilot and the World’s greatest hacker (who no one listened to). And they would fly into the Alien ship and the hacker would hack it and it would blow up. 1 month ago
(Please don’t say “kill the aliens” they have tech so advanced, its impossible to do it)
Usa would send all their nukes in an attempt to kill the aliens anyway, because otherwise some top militarists would feel thei whole life meaningless. 1 month ago 1 month ago
there’s a documentary about this
I see.
Is it the one where the world class hero asks the pilot “When we start our attack flight right through the sun, isn’t it going to be rather hot there?” and the talented pilot explains “No, stupid, don’t you know we are going at night?” 1 month ago
I don’t think it’s that one, though that pilot is a pretty smart fella!
It’s this one…
The smart guy: You really think you can fly that thing?
The pilot: You really think you can do all that bullshit you just said? 1 month ago
Lol the alien would just be like: “Rude little creatures, lets turn the frequency into microwaves and amplify it a million times, point them all converging directly at those creatures (referring to Americans)”