He’s good now. Well somewhat. He has to be in the hospital over Xmas. So we are going to bring him a fully cooked ham and all the fixins. I had to well lets just say make a donation to the hospital so he could get off the psych ward floor and his own room. My mom an ex PRN for the hospital asked them to do a full checkup so we would be able to bring him non hospital food. He checked out fine. So even though we get to spend it in a hospital we are together.
j4k3@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Good to hear things are working out as best they can.
I broke my scapula once ~December 21st. So I know what kind of fiasco it can be at the hospital and getting specialist treatment this time of year. By the time someone could schedule surgery, I was so far recovered that I opted out of operating. I had like 40% of the shoulder socket part of the scapula floating too.
Stay positive, and Happy holidays!