This person is correct.
I’ve finished, painted, sealed, and repaired enough stuff to know that “maybe try clear nail polish” is a terrible idea for OP.
Nail polish is very hard to get to go on smoothly over a large area and OP is very likely to end up with an uneven or marred finish. If you just put down nail polish, you are not going to get a lasting finish on much of any material without cleaning and degreasing it first.
I would clean/degrease (I don’t know what to use as I can’t tell what the material is). I would lean toward using some type of spray top coat (again, I don’t know which product because I don’t know the material). You still need to know how to spray on finishes, but I find it much easier to do well than brush on finishes. 1 month ago 1 month ago
Nail polish needs UV to cure properly and it becomes glassy and will break over time. It might bond with the surface of the clip and pull little bits of paint up with it, making it look worse… and that’s only if it doesn’t get gooped on and look runny afterward.