Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago“I utilize a narrower definition of the word, shame you are too closed-minded to comprehend that I’m right.”
Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago“I utilize a narrower definition of the word, shame you are too closed-minded to comprehend that I’m right.” 2 months ago
Don’t you find it’s usually better to frame your opponent’s position in terms they would agree with? You’re using skepticism in a way that does not comport with today’s use by the community. Community exchange over time. Community exchange over time. 2 months ago
The community’s use isn’t the point of reference to use here. It is also obviously biased, because the community understandably seeks to avoid association with these people.
It’s not crazy or outlandish to recognize Harris or Dawkins as skeptics in the common use of the term. It’s core to their branding whether you like it or not. That’s what matters when you talk to people outside the community, not the insular definition you treat as objective fact. 2 months ago
The community has explicitly rejected the people you named because they aren’t in keeping with positions the community holds. If the community says they don’t want these people in the group but you insist on saying they are part of the group then you are making a bad faith argument.
Communities get to decide who is an isn’t part of the community. You specifically mentioned trans issues. Two of the pods I named had trans hosts. Dawkins had his AHA award pulled because of trans comments. Skeptics aren’t being the people you said they were. You can either change your mind or stick to your beliefs despite the evidence.…/richard-dawkins-trans-humanis… 2 months ago
You’re deliberately missing the point. This isn’t about a community. The word “sceptic” has a generally understood meaning regardless of how the community feels about it, because the general public isn’t paying attention to what the community wants.
Word of advice, you should reconsider statements like this if you’re not trying to come off as a self-centered asshole.