One thing that suggests Broken Mirror’s mirror universe is the prime one is the uniforms borrow a lot of conventions from the IDE TNG Mirror comics, which sorts out a way the empire resurges.
Comment on Annotations for *Star Trek: Lower Decks* 5x10: “The New Next Generation” (SPOILERS) 2 months agoNot any more than it’s fair to assume that, by showing the Barge of the Dead, or the Miranda-class, or the Oberth-class, or the Galaxy-class, or the proto-Klingons, that VOY, ST II, *ST III, TNG or TNG: “Genesis” took place in a reality with different class ships.
The Mirror Universe question is a separate one, to which there really is no good answer because we’ve only seen crossovers from the Prime Universe to its Mirror Universe counterpart. A bigger question is whether or not the Mirror Universe we saw in PRO: “Broken Mirror” is the same Mirror Universe we see in DS9 because there the Terran Empire seems to exist again. 2 months ago 2 months ago
A decent point, but each of those ships were from realities where the Cerritos is that class. Just as there are Klingons who never left Quo’nos or never evolved past proto-Klingons and those crews and ships were affected by the reality waves to reveal them.
I think there is a reality within which the Klingons evolved slightly differently and developed a slightly different culture, but remain close enough that we don’t see major changes to the events of the Prime timeline. 2 months ago
But that still doesn’t mean DIS is in an alternate reality.