Comment on Rich Eisen show gives a bit of a rundown on the new resting rules ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

This is ridiculous lmao… This super annoying and and unhealthy to the organization that star players not playing some games. But instead of treating the real problem they make it even worse. Everyone knows that teams can afford bench starts because there are games that nobody cares about.i want to see a team that is on 9th place and last game that winning it will get them to into the playoffs bench their star players. We all know it won’t happen. Thwy need to stop being a money hungry organization and drop the number of games! This is the only way you can stop it and make the league more interesting.

The video raised a lot of problems with their approach, like nba doctors that overrule the teams doctor. Is the player really need a rest because he played back to back games and 4 games a week? Players age? Coming back from an injury? Real aching? What’s next? Set a minimum minutes a star must be on the court?!

This is so dumb!
