Comment on Feds released close up pic of the drones! 3 months agoSome people posted video of “unknown light in the sky” a few times, which happens regularly, but somehow it caught enough attention that everyone started looking at the sky.
It turns out that many people do not recognize a plane, or Venus, or a SpaceX launch, or a Chinese lantern, or whatever because now they’ve been led to expect to see something mysterious.
Debunker Mick West posted on YouTube showing how one famous video actually showed lights on a hillside, by lining up the image with Google Street view.
A few sightings do seem unusual, but many are just flashing lights moving over cities that happen to have busy airports. 3 months ago
You’re ignoring what started all this and keeps going on, the unknown drones that have been hovering for hours over military bases and assets? 3 months ago
I found two things about drones and military bases
Drone spotting went viral and it led to reports of drones around military bases, freaking people out. However the military stated this is normal activity and that this stuff has been happening for years.
Reports of drones over 17 bases near Chinese business owned farmland. A scary sounding story about communist China spying on our bases. But drones over / near bases isn’t rare and the army alone has like 100 bases in the country.
And the military can shoot down and disable drones in their airspace. Apparently their main problem is things falling outside their jurisdiction and then local police being shit. 3 months ago
What, no, nothing about this is normal.…/index.html…/multiple-drone-incursions-reported-over…… 3 months ago
Sounds like hysteria though, with the way it’s written.
The articles do not include the statement from our military saying that everything is normal. (But they do have the “here’s a bunch of scary stuff, we reached out but didn’t get a comment, story is breaking will update”)
They include quotes that if you look carefully seem to fit both stories; there’s a crazy drone thing happening, and nothing out of the ordinary is happening.
A warning about drones. A base closing for 4 hours. Things you expect to happen in day to day life, but also do a great job of freaking people out when you string the data points together just so.
I had to dig to find how many drone incidents with military bases we’ve had per year. Because that isn’t common info. Really, really important information. The first thing you would report, probably.
But it’s not in any of these articles lol