Comment on How do I make a domain account on Windows have administrative privelleges to use a particular app? 1 month ago
I have contacted the support team of the app to find out why it needs these privileges, but I didn’t receive any helpful information.
Tier 1 probably doesn’t have a clue, you’ll have to escalate, or alternatively use procmon to see what files and folders it’s accessing that might need admin privileges. Like if it’s trying to write files to its own subfolder right off C:, basically it’s probably poorly coded.
Once you know what files/folders it’s trying to access, you can give everyone permissions to just those specific ones and then it should run without prompt
Alternatively alternatively, you can screw around with the task scheduler, off the top of my head you could probably have TS run the program as an admin user on login of any user 1 month ago
I did use procmon and saw that it was creating a file in the C: directory. I gave access to the other folders it was trying to access (e.g. C:\Users\Public\CameraSoftware) but it’s still asking for admin privelleges. I tried doing the Task Scheduler method as well, did not work for me unfortunaely. Thanks for the advice btw! 1 month ago
Did you check for registry keys too?
Procmon is the shit.