Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The 100 hour mark is a tough one to hit - even some of the best games I’ve played aren’t that long or replayable, and the ones that are usually cost more than $10. Still, here are some to check out if you want. I’ll list the price on Steam in Canadian dollars and my current total play time.

The Messenger - on sale for $5.19 - 35 hours Infinitode 2 - Free to play - 47 hours Ori and the Blind Forest - on sale for $6.24 - 23 hours Risk of Rain 2 - on sale for $9.56 - 81 hours (new to my library, less than 1 month) Undertale - on sale for $2.74 - 28 hours
