2 months ago
The 100 hour mark is a tough one to hit - even some of the best games I’ve played aren’t that long or replayable, and the ones that are usually cost more than $10. Still, here are some to check out if you want. I’ll list the price on Steam in Canadian dollars and my current total play time.
The Messenger - on sale for $5.19 - 35 hours Infinitode 2 - Free to play - 47 hours Ori and the Blind Forest - on sale for $6.24 - 23 hours Risk of Rain 2 - on sale for $9.56 - 81 hours (new to my library, less than 1 month) Undertale - on sale for $2.74 - 28 hours 2 months ago
Risk of Rain 2 is amazing, though one thing to hold on to is that the newest DLC had some issues (amazing that a game so old is still getting attention) that you might want to wait to get fixed (since it still affects the base game). 2 months ago
I’ve heard about that and through multiplayer have been able to experience it. Honestly I prefer the base game without either DLC. Even the Void DLC is too chaotic for my taste. 2 months ago
The void items are pretty good (and the lunar items are pretty bad), but i did enjoy the new DLC - I didn’t really experience many issues, but figured it would be worth explaining that it’s expected to get a lot of fixes in the coming months and might be worth waiting to see how fixed before buying.
Definitely a great coop game, along with Heroes of Hammerwatch