An Arges Adventure didn’t age well though. Great game but the controls are terrible. The Ilvard Insurrection is at least modern and there is a little connection between these two, so you don’t need to play the first game before this.
An Arges Adventure didn’t age well though. Great game but the controls are terrible. The Ilvard Insurrection is at least modern and there is a little connection between these two, so you don’t need to play the first game before this. 2 months ago
I enjoy stuff like pressing key combination 6–C–3–2–(A to E)–(1 to 4) to cast a spell to travel to specific areas in overworld, and combinations like C—7—4 to cast, say, a protection spell while in combat on the sorcerer’s turn, in an old school western RPG. The only things I really dislike are slow animations and needless actions which do not affect anything. With this in mind, do you think I’m likely to be troubled by the first one or not?
I can find myself as well by watching some gameplay if you cannot determine it. If you are certain though, it will make things easier—even if I decide to check myself later. 2 months ago
Well, it’s not exactly like that. While the second game is perfect with a controller, the first game cannot be playable with one. At least the PC version. It has some weird mixture of keyboard + mouse controls which is pretty weird for an action RPG game. Definitely not comfortable to play, but it’s playable. I think it’s the best if you try it for yourself, if you already have the game.