Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 6 days ago
Drag picked up Helldivers recently, which uses a KLA. Drag’s had no problems with it. But drag’s dragon also downloaded it, and it completely borked its computer. The voltage regulator chip for the CPU failed, and its computer started crashing on completely different games, even after uninstalling Helldivers. 6 days ago
I understand your third person thing (honestly kinda cool), but what does “Drag’s dragon” mean? 6 days ago
Drag uses person-independent pronouns, which are conjugated and inflected in all grammatical persons. When drag uses drag’s pronouns, they’re first person. And to answer your question, drag has a pet dragon. We’re engaged to be married. It’s 6 days ago
Oh, cool! And gotcha on the first person thing, sorry! 6 days ago
Thanks. A lot of people lived through the “singular they” controversy, where conjugation was a big issue, yet they never fully understood the conclusion that conjugation in English depends on the pronoun, not on the inflection. Latin has different rules, of course, but we’re not speaking Latin. A lot of people are still upset about that fact after all these centuries. They’re usually the kind of people who think the Romans were the good guys, and the Goths who spoke a precursor to English were evil. Fun fact: Adolf Hitler hated Gothic script. He called it “Jewish letters”. It’s funny how Germany changed sides over the whole issue. One minute Germany is sacking Rome, and the next they’re the home of the Holy Roman Empire. The whole “Third Reich” thing was an attempt at claiming a lineage descended from Rome. And of course England and the US spent a long time establishing themselves as the inheritors of Rome too. That’s probably why there’s so many old people who want English to be Latin.