2 months ago
- Vampire Survivors
- Dwarf Fortress
That said, I find it very hard to understand exactly what you are asking for, the post is rambly with a middle section about books that I couldn’t really understand even after 3 rereads.
I think what you are asking for is:
- It must be possible to legally acquire the game for 10 usd or less, even if only for a limited time (via discounts or other special offers)
- the game must not have any parts that become more frustrating as you play the game (which is how you seem to define 100% enjoyability)
- must be playable for 100 hours, or be replayable for that amount of time while being 100% enjoyable throughout 2 months ago
I’ve not played vampire survivors or survivor likes. I could try it to see myself. Dwarf Fortress too I have had an eye on but it shows many situations which would be obviously frustrating (I enjoy some permanent death games which label themselves as roguelike/roguelite, without frustrating elements). I’d had a look at the ASCII version of Dwarf Fortress a while ago, I find those visuals more appealing in comparison to the steam version. I’ll add these to the list of games to play.