Comment on Crisco in a Terracotta: Decoding the (Mostly) Useless Candle Meme 2 months ago
It’s not that there is superior heat output, it’s that there is superior heat collection and observation.
Not familiar with the meme directly, taking your attached picture example I can guess why they think it’s better.
It’s trapped closer to them.
Heat, that you recognize exists but rose out of reach to the ceiling, is now trapped near the observation area. The pot is trapping it and radiating it much closer to the person thinking they’ve just solved the universe.
It’s observable. Like people who don’t understand the need for vaccines because they’ve never personally seen the disease the vaccine helped beat down, a majority of people struggle to grasp theory, and direct observation is all they understand. 2 months ago
Yeah. The effects of convection from an uncapped candle will spread the heat to the room and ceiling much faster than when trapped. The pot absorbing the heat traps it and changes the heat transfer to radiative heating which will csuse a lower convective heat transfer coefficient when heating the air around it.