Those experiments didn’t advance a thing. That’s a myth. They had no scientific rigor. Nothing was gained from that.
Comment on He was pretty awful too, you know. 2 months agoUntil he got the whole country bombarded, tons of them killed, and drove the country into the brink of economic collapse? Poor argument. If you’re gonna say he did something worthwhile take off the fucking kid gloves and admit no matter how absolutely horrific a manner in which he did it, Nazi experiments advanced knowledge of medicine and anatomy. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Many of them yes, but not all. 2 months ago
Could you point me to the ones that didn’t? 2 months ago
To be fair, not all of the advancements were intentional. Much of modern medical ethics are based entirely on the fucked up shit Nazis did. Off the top of my head though they proved a lot of shit didn’t work and invented a high power electron magnescope. I would have to circle back to fully remember everything. 2 months ago
Why would I defend the guy when I think he was a prick? 2 months ago
I wasn’t saying you were defending him. I was talking about whatever dumb ass wrote the book you read. 2 months ago
Oh, ok. I can’t remember. It was 23 or so years ago, and a Catholic school, so moulding us to a certain viewpoint.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. 2 months ago
No worries, I was thoroughly indoctrinated as well.