Comment on What % of Lemmy memes and reaction-bait is posted for the purpose of farming Lemmy comments? 1 week ago
Seems like a sociopathic trait. To try and get simulated attention for themselves. Nevertheless, it might work better for them the other way around. Using a smaller community on Lemmy as a ‘test’ environment and then plagiarizing a comment to get Reddit Karma. Or a post for that matter. I am pretty sure that there are people that might do this. There probably is a lot of mods on Lemmy that might tip off mods on Reddit for this very reason.
I will admit, if I need help for an answer to a question someone is asking, I DO Google and in those results there, which are often reddit, find someone who has already asked and answered said question, so I will just paraphrase them lol.
Not jokes but useful things and TOMT searches. Why reinvent the wheel? 1 week ago 1 week ago
I remember that one time Michael Stevens of Vsauce talks about different shaped wheels, lol.
“After all, we aren’t going to reinvent the wheel, or are we?” Lol