Comment on I'm having second thoughts about quitting my current position, I'm scared and I don't understand myself. What's happening to me? ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’m scared that my new position will be as bad or worse than the old one, the same drama, the same backstabbing and playing favorites. It would be really tiring to get out of the frying pan to get into the fire.

As with any job, there will be some things that are better than your current one and some things that are worse. It seems like you already opened up the “quitting” can of worms at your current job. Reversing course is not impossible, but it is atypical. I would probably follow through with quitting based on what you said about your manager’s attitude, and it also seems like you don’t really like the job.

Apply to a bunch of places, do a bunch of interviews and get some offers. If you don’t like your next job you can always leave that one. I would encourage you to try to treat people right at each job. You do not want to leave a giant wake of burned bridges. Eventually, people you work with at job A will show up at job B, and if you’ve been an asshole, no one is going to want to work with you. Conversely, if you are pleasant to work with, people will even recommend you for a new job.

Look up friend, change is scary and it’s OK to be nervous. Put in some work to find a new job, re-examine your life. If it feels better, stay, if not, quit. There are new jobs all the time, and if your work is valuable in any way and you have a good attitude, you’ll never have trouble finding work.
