See the disconnect here is that somehow some seem to have the idea that I’m defending landlords in general, when all I’m really doing is trying to let OP know that I identify with their situation and find it shitty that so many people came into the thread so say essentially “nope no exceptions, your aunt sucks”. We could all agree the system sucks and I think I did a decent job of saying I agree with that. I don’t know that renting shouldn’t exist but I definitely think its current state is unacceptable and we’d probably have a lot to agree on about the reasons.
I never expected that dude to “care about” my parents. I expected them to at least accept that their absolutes don’t hold. Saying “I don’t care about your parents” is not necessary and was just meant to be rude. 🤷♂️ 2 months ago
When they said, “I don’t care about your parents,” it was an expression of apathy, not animosity. It was them telling you that they agree, and that their point is about the greater system, not that guy’s aunt or your parents. You took it personally and got more defensive. Their absolute does hold, because it’s in regard to a system. The point isn’t that your parents are individually bad people, like you seem to think it is, it’s that they’re part of a bad system, and regardless of their individual actions, the system is still bad. Fundamentally, you, the other commenters, and me agree. They aren’t trying to argue that you’re defending landlords in general, the argument is that your defense of your parents excuses them from the system.
A fair and kind cop is still responsible for participating in an evil system, just as your parents are. They may be good people, with good intentions, and treat people well. No one is denying that. It’s just entirely besides the point. They’re still hoarding property that should be possessed by those that live in them, and housing should be cheaper. Without landlords and real estate conglomerates driving prices high, there should be a surplus of housing. Again, your parents might be good people, but they are participating in an immortal system. Even the best landlord is still a landlord, and while they are nowhere near anyone’s first target to fix the system, they’re still participating.
The best cop is still a cop, the best billionaire is still a billionaire, and the best landlord is still a landlord. It’s nothing personal against them specifically. 2 months ago
Nope and I didn’t say animosity. It was an expression of being a dick on purpose. Not sure how that could be misinterpreted.
No it doesn’t and no it isn’t. You don’t get to just reject the premise of this post and reign down judgement on every rando you never met and be the precise type of asshole I mentioned in my first comment. You’re rejecting any shred of empathy and therefore I have no reason to care about what you write.
Ditto to what I just wrote also with a side of “fuck that dehumanizing horseshit” 2 months ago
Whatever man. I tried, but you’re not interested in listening. I commented for your benefit, not mine, and it makes no difference to me.