Comment on Bumper sticker 2 months agoNobody is asking you to fly someone’s flag. Trans people just want the freedom of not being refused jobs and generally not be verbally assaulted and then denied at any institution they visit. These people can barely live, because assholes in power actively go out of their way to fuck them over.
Oh what’s that? You look, sound and act like a man, but upon closer inspection your ID says F? Guess you’re just not a good fit for this society, sorry, better luck next time!
I’m sick of people making this about some culture war. It’s about freedom of expression. A core principle of the constitution and the human rights charter! A violation of such core principles, will eventually came to bite you too, once trans people, but also immigrants and other minorities are gone and the rich need a new scapegoat. Next will come thought crime, once we all look the same, like in the old days.